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    Population: 1550
    Area: 83,743 sq km
    Towns : Joshimath, Badrinath
    Religion: Hindu [Rajputs,kshtriya,Thakurs]
    Languages: Garhwali,Rongpa,Hindi

     MANA is the remotest and one of the loveliest valley, yet most scantily popular  in the entire North of Uttaranchal. All this has added to the allure of this mysterious land. Its very isolation has been a blessing in many ways, having protected it from the hills of over-development and its consequent problems. And it is for this very reason that MANA is such a unique holiday destination. Its haunting beauty has a magical charm that lures the visitor to imbibe of its natural beauty, culture and splendid wild life. MANA  shares borderlines with Tibet, this lands is watered by  major rivers, primary amongst them the River Sharswati the mighty Alaknanda.MANA  is blessed by a delightfully variegated climate- perfect for holidays. It's sword like peaks, running from north to south, are interspersed with rich valleys in whose hidden folds live her ancient marks in their picturesque villages. Exploring the rich traditions of rongpa culture, with its ancient religious rituals and social mores, its varied of arts and crafts and exotic festivals is an integral part of the MANA experience in all its richness. all set to blaze ahead on the tourists.    


    Population: 1500
    Area: 78,438 sq km
    Towns : Joshimath,
    Religion: Hindu [Rajputs,kshtriya,Thakurs]
    Languages: Garhwali,Rongpa,Hindi

    Dominated by the mighty River, which has carved out the deep cradle of its birth, NITI is one of the lovilylist valley in the North. NITI is blessed with vast  rich in social and culture . And though this wayward son of Mother Nature brings havoc in his wake during the monsoons, the rivers is much revered for the prosperity he brings to the land. enclosed between dramatic Himalayan foothills in north and the  hilly terrain of The most accessible of the north.


    Population: 1100
    Area: 22,327 sq km
    Towns : Joshimath,
    Religion: Hindu [Rajputs,kshtriya,Thakurs]
    Languages: Garhwali,Rongpa,Hindi

    One of the loveliest, but lesser known place  in the North east of Uttaranchal is MALARI.This vast canopy of forest with its dynamic blend of an amazing plethora of flora and fauna is one of the forests and rolling tracts of crop. This erstwhile  is slowly slipping into mainstream tourism from its sheltered environs amongst the green-hued hills and is set to be one of the nature lover  tourist finds here. The oldest in the North MALARI enjoys its own individual identity with vigorous enthusiasm.



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